Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rhetorically Speaking...

...if someone I knew were to write nothing but observations, would it still count as a blog entry? I type this as my eyes begin to wander towards the fliers I received at the Bowman Block Party, carelessly crumpled and thrown onto my desk out of my pocket from days ago. These pieces of paper were forced upon me as unwanted advertisement, evading the trash only by my pure laziness. However, I begin to wonder if they have served their purpose. I notice the Chick-fil-A flier first because of the bright and large letters. There are three cows holding up signs spelling "EAT MOR CHIKIN" misspelled as to appear as if the cows wrote them because everyone knows cows are uneducated. I become hungry. I see a pamphlet for Clemson first year experience. Its slogan at the bottom of the cover reads, "The First Year Experience just for you!" trying to connect with me personally as a student using the phrase "just for you" while also attempting to excite me by using an exclamation point. As I watch television, I see all of the modes of persuasion used by the companies. The shampoo company uses flowery and soothing language to show how elegant their product is, inferring the buyer will be as well. I also see an ad for a beer commercial. Targeted at men, it attempts to connect it's product with sports, brotherhood, and attractive women. The examples are completely different in style, yet they are essentially doing the same thing. After leaving the room to do anything other than write this blog, I take notice of some fliers advertising different clubs hanging on the wall, all of them attempting to connect with me personally as to gain my interest. They accomplished this by using questions and using the word "you" while associating it with words like interactive and fun to make it seem as if I was in that group of smiling faces in the photo on the flier. Those were my observations and this is my closing.

1 comment:

  1. Well, in response to your question, it would technically be a blog entry, wouldn't be the most useful...~Shifty eyes~

    And! Great examples. Advertisers definitely try to sell us lifestyles and happiness.
